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Hotel Company Senior Team Meeting, St Petersburg (Jul 2016)


Events - Hotel Company Senior Team Meeting (07.16)

Philip was invited to speak and support a Senior Team Meeting conference for an internationally renowned hotel company in the amazing city of St Petersburg. Phil's "takeaway nuggets" include:

  • "Uncertainty is the New Normal".
  • The population of the world will have tripled from 1975 to 2025 and 50% of population growth between 2016 and 2050 expected to occur in Africa.
  • Economic power is moving east and the E7 will be bigger than the G7 by 2050 (E7 = Emerging 7 = China, India, Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, Mexico, South Korea).
  • The world is getting hotter and drier, resulting in resource scarcity and the need to reconsider our carbon-based economies. No solutions were given, but there is plenty to think about when designing new hotels that could help.
  • Facebook is the second largest country in the world, after China, with an online population in excess of 1bn.
  • PWC staff are permitted to book overnight accommodation using Airbnb.
  • Only 13% of employees are "Engaged" and add materially to an organisation. The majority of employees are "Disengaged" (contributing little to an organisation) and a good proportion are "Actively Disengaged" (which can be very detrimental to an organisation).
  • The Icelandic "Hoo" is the new motivational, feel-good, team-building tool (and a lovely way to thank the creative hotel staff that hosted the conference).
  • 3D printed food is not far away, whereby not only can any shapes and colours be created, but the nutritional content of food can be pre-determined - image a protein bar tasting of chocolate and containing no calories!

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